
Tuesday, March 09, 2010

My Newspaper 

I was reading today’s paper, and noticed an article written by some one called the reader rep. The reporter called their piece, “Reader’s Matters. The editorial stated they had received several bits of news about some of the candidates running in the primary last week. They decided not to publish the items because, the news tips held no relevance in the race, could not be documented, or were pure gossip. The journalist further stated their paper did not publish stories supporting or opposing political candidates. To that I say, “BULLSHIT”!

This paper was bought by Hearst Enterprises several years ago. It’s no longer locally printed. The paper is now part of a conglomerate that has a documented republican view. If you read their opinions page for a week, you could see it as well. On occasion, they will publish a decidedly slanted view and place it in a different location in the paper and call it a news item. It’s the only paper we get in the area, and if you want a newspaper, this is it. If you know it has a few pieces of propaganda strategically placed in its pages, then it does little damage.

The reporter, or reader rep, who wrote this article, is not,” a reader rep”, they are a newspaper rep whose main function is to protect the paper and its views regardless of the truth. I hope most people know the majority of news services and journalist are biased. If not, they're idiots and deserve to get screwed.


Saturday, March 06, 2010

People who start wars should fight them! 

In May of 2004 I wrote a blog expressing concern that my son could be sent to Afghanistan or Iraq. He was stationed in South Korea at the time. Since then, he has served two twelve month tours in Iraq, just recently returning from his second. Obama has said he intends to start withdrawing troops from Iraq in 2011. If that's true, my son being sent to Afghanistan becomes my biggest worry. Damn! I wish someone would catch Bin Laden so we could get the hell out of there. I guess Bush was full of shit when he told America there was no place Bin Laden could run, no place he could go, no place he could hide, we were going to get him. They chased him across Afghanistan , and when he enter Pakistan we quit. What happened guys? Never mind, I think I already know the answer. Maybe I'll go in to it in another post.

I've often thought, if the Assholes who started wars fought them, they would all end a hell of a lot sooner. In reality, we all know the rich, powerful, and influential never fight wars, that's what we peons are for.


Thursday, March 04, 2010

Perry Again? ...Damn! 

The primary is over in Texas. It looks as though republican Rick Perry, our current Governor, will be running against democrat Bill White for the Governorship of our state. According to the surveys I've seen, Governor Perry will once again win by a large majority. I am not a Rick Perry fan. Huge conglomerates like him. He's for insurance corporations, real estate firms, gas and oil producers, large construction companies (his brother owns one), and numerous other large entities. Mostly, he's supported by the rich and influential. He is not a man for the general population, blue collar worker, or the poor.

Bill White is a former mayor of Houston. That is all most of us know about him. Unfortunately, that will probably cost him the election. From what I've seen, read, and heard about him, I don't think he is strong enough in his convictions. He doesn't exude a lot of confidence in himself or his platform. Is anyone sure of what that is? He doesn't seem assertive enough in his speeches. He almost seems like an introvert. In any event, it looks as if we're in for another term with Rick Perry as Governor.


Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Past, Present, and Future? 

Sebastien Chamfort, a well known French author, once said,” History is the sole consolation left to the people, for it shows them that their ancestors were as unhappy as they are, or even more so.” He also said, “If it were not for the government, we should have nothing to laugh at in France.” Sebastien Chamfort was born in 1741!, two hundred and sixty nine years ago.

Monday, October 05, 2009

Texas Roads? 

The Texas Department of Transportation is headed full tilt to build toll roads wherever possible, and let private companies collect fees and profits for half a century or more. TxDot officials are asking for more money and flexibility to carry out their toll road ambitions. The agency wants every new highway lane to have a toll, and wants to limit improvements to free roads to guarantee use of toll ways.

The agency would like to suspend drivers’ licenses and deny vehicle registrations when people fail to pay tolls and related fines, and grant the same power to companies operating toll ways for the state.

Republican Rep. Mike Krusee, chairman of the House of Transportation, authored two bills that greatly expanded the DOT’s tolling power. Complaints have rolled in that TxDOT was using its financial might to coerce local officials to play along, which, of course, they deny. The agency is pushing for 50 to 70 year concession deals with companies offering cash up front in exchange for profits that motorist would have to pay in higher toll fees.

Some Texas lawmakers say they have gone too for, and Repubican Sen. John Carona says, there is a growing concern about the wide authority that has been given to the TxDOT in recent years, as well as the abuse of that authority. He said, “I believe the Legislature will either significantly rein in TxDOT, or at a minimum be very reluctant to pass any of the initiatives TxDOT brings forward”.

Well, let me see. We have a Republican majority in the senate and in the legislature. We also have a Republican Governor. These are the same people who gave the TxDOT that authority in the first place. Dear Senator Carona, I think I hear the sound of bullshit being spread.


Sunday, March 04, 2007

A Nation in Decline 

The decline of a nation can be caused by several factors. Some of these are, ineffective, deceitful, dishonest politicians and leaders. An arrogant, obstinate, incompetent, out of touch President, with a total lack of international diplomacy. Add a populace that is complacent, lazy, politically ignorant, self-serving, conceited, has no moral values, and is driven by greed. Put a growing dependence on foreign goods and resources in the pot. Include the sell off of American property and companies to foreign interest. Stir in a sell out by Corporate America and you have the basic ingredients for a slow and long decline.

To hurry it along, add a failing education system, over priced medical care, a high unemployment rate, a faltering, nervous economy, a nation that’s the biggest contributor to global warming, and a war. Mix well with indolence, ignorance, and indifference. It looks as though this recipe is coming together.

For a little garnish, stir in a few illegal immigrants who fly their former country’s flag higher than ours, and yet are first in line to use our services but refuse to learn English. A few more who burn Old Glory or fly it upside down, and yet would never consider leaving America.

It’s beginning to look like this Hodgepodge is about to overflow. The richest, most powerful nation in the world could be on the verge of losing its #1 position in the worlds standings. Hell, it happened to Portugal, Spain, France, England, Greece, Rome and a hundred other empires. Why not us? The question is, how far down do we fall? After all Britain lost a lot of territory. The Brits lost India, Australia, Canada, and the United States, just to name a few, and they are still a major world player.

The United States is in a slow decline. The problem is, the rich aren’t affected, and are in denial, or just don’t care. The poor and middle class, on the other hand, do care, are affected, but can’t do anything about it. Ain’t life a bitch?


Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Father and Son 

Back in the late sixties, I was drafted and sent to Vietnam. Late last year, my son was sent to Iraq. I think I can better understand some of the apprehension and anxiety my parents must have felt. I was married when sent to Vietnam, and he was married when the Army sent him to war. So, I know a little of what he may be feeling as well.

As a married soldier in a foreign land, I can imagine how much he misses his wife and family. He’s lonely, homesick and heartsick. He feels alienated and alone, even though there’s thousands around him in the same situation. That feeling is going to stay with him until he’s finally sent home. With patience, determination, intelligence, a lot of luck, and the grace of God, he will come home alive and well. When he does, all his family and friends will be extremely relieved and grateful. I know his Dad will be.

He’s incredibly patriotic and dedicated to his country. I sincerely hope this administration comes to its senses, and stops wasting young lives with such devotion so foolishly.

Ps… This blog post has been edited. In hopes that Blackhawk helicopters won’t circle my home, while dozens of black SUV’s, filled with secret service agents swarm my house.

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