
Tuesday, March 23, 2004

Screw the People 

I read an article in the newspaper this morning about a "tax break" our governor is touting. It's funny, that a man who has given billions of dollars worth of concessions to big business, and insurance companies in particular, is trying to convince us he has our best interest at heart.

He pushed through congress a bill that prevents us from suing insurance companies, even if it can be proved they are responsible for gross injustices.

It's obvious where his main interest lie. He helps pass laws that richly enhance big business for years to come. Yet offers us little more than a one time gesture of good will.

The sad part of this story, is that we will take it, and gladly vote him back in office, to serve another term of screw the people.

Monday, March 22, 2004

Have you ever noticed? 

Although I am frequently a skeptic, I do have a lighter side. Here are some of my thoughts this morning.

Have you ever noticed:

How the sun sparkles and dances across a pond in the early morning light.

How beautiful a sunrise truly is. How it always seems to bring new hope to every living thing.

How breathtaking and magnificent a mountain range is, or how it can make you seem so small in the universe.

How we never see the beauty that surrounds us. We always want to go someplace spectacular, but we can’t wait to get back home.

How a small child’s uninhibited laughter can bring such joy, even when you’re filled with sorrow.

How the nearness of those you love seems to enhance the pleasures of life, or how their closeness can even help restore you physically, spiritually, emotionally, and morally.

I don't really know what brought that on this morning. Maybe it is my attempt at anti-cynicism.

Sunday, March 21, 2004


We are at war now…. I don’t mean the ones in Afghanistan or Iraq. Our two presidential candidates have initiated multi million dollar campaigns that directly involve thousands of individuals, who, enthusiastically believe their candidate is the man that will save the United States and the World.
Cooperate America will spend untold millions, trying to make their presidential hopeful, have the appearance of one, through divine intervention, placed on earth just to lead us down the “chosen” path. They will spend additional millions trying to make the opposition look like a demon sent by Lucifer himself. One who hates everything we love and cherish. Whose sole purpose on earth is to destroy all mankind.
In reality, it’s not the American people who will make that decision. It is the Electoral College that will make that choice. To the most part, they are people nominated in party conventions and confirmed by state legislators. In short, those in power have a definite advantage.
There have been several attempts to either, do away with this antiquated system, or modify it. None have been successful. Both major parties like it and don’t want it changed or done away with. They don’t have to depend on the fickle, mind changing voter, to elect a President.
It all seems such a waste. Why spend all that money just to give us the illusion our vote means something?


Thursday, March 18, 2004

Writers and Computers 

I am a novice writer. I have a close friend, who also happens to be a relative, that is an accomplished writer. He has written prose and poetry, short stories and articles, and is very good. He is normally a very intelligent and rational individual. Until the last month or so. He has " upgraded" his computer. Nothing works as it once did. Some programs don't function, some function differently, some options have disappeared. Still others have suddenly appeared, and he is not sure of their function. In addition to the "upgrade", he has a new website he has constructed. A very good website, but it too has taken it's toll. In just a month or so, I have seen him transform into a ranting and raving lunatic. A true Jeckle and Hyde complex. He is, in general, a man in control of his emotions. While he does have his passions and beliefs, he is well mannered. Whatever demons reside in a computer, and I'm convinced they do, have taken hold of him. Only the broken shell of the man I once knew now exist.... "Release him, damn you, be gone and never come again!"... It may not work, but at least I tried.

Sunday, March 14, 2004

I have to bitch about something. In today's paper. There is an article about the Justice department and the F.B.I. pushing for Internet wiretaps. They said Technology companies should be required to ensure that law enforcement agencies can install wiretaps on Internet traffic and new generations of digital communications. They are using the," it helps our fight against terrorists" excuse. The critics they interviewed said. It would cost the Companies that make these devices to much money. The Justice Department replied. That the cost should be passed on to the customers. Do you notice anything about this that sticks out. Like individual rights to privacy, or civil rights abuse, or the government and big business being in bed together, or the fact that neither care about the people.... Big Brother tightens his grip.

I realize having a blog, does not give me the right to say, or write stupid things. That is something I acquired through time. However, I hope to make known bits and pieces of me and my thoughts. If someone finds it interesting or entertaining, that is it's true purpose. If someone finds it irrelevant, ignorant, boring, or just plain stupid, that is a part of me as well. If no one reads this Blog, at least I am venting into cyberspace somewhere.

Saturday, March 13, 2004



Friday, March 12, 2004

i'm a little nervous. I think I've got twisted guts. Well, it's just stagefright. I'll get over it. I'll start again tomorrow. Or the next day.

Or maybe I by-God won't!
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