
Tuesday, March 09, 2010

My Newspaper 

I was reading today’s paper, and noticed an article written by some one called the reader rep. The reporter called their piece, “Reader’s Matters. The editorial stated they had received several bits of news about some of the candidates running in the primary last week. They decided not to publish the items because, the news tips held no relevance in the race, could not be documented, or were pure gossip. The journalist further stated their paper did not publish stories supporting or opposing political candidates. To that I say, “BULLSHIT”!

This paper was bought by Hearst Enterprises several years ago. It’s no longer locally printed. The paper is now part of a conglomerate that has a documented republican view. If you read their opinions page for a week, you could see it as well. On occasion, they will publish a decidedly slanted view and place it in a different location in the paper and call it a news item. It’s the only paper we get in the area, and if you want a newspaper, this is it. If you know it has a few pieces of propaganda strategically placed in its pages, then it does little damage.

The reporter, or reader rep, who wrote this article, is not,” a reader rep”, they are a newspaper rep whose main function is to protect the paper and its views regardless of the truth. I hope most people know the majority of news services and journalist are biased. If not, they're idiots and deserve to get screwed.

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