
Monday, October 11, 2004

Election 04 

I have watched two debates between Bush and Kerry, the two Presidential candidates, and the one between Cheney and Edwards, the two running for Vice President. It’s my intention to watch the last one between the two Presidential hopefuls. It’s not going to influence how I vote. That decision was made long ago. I just want to see if either one will ever tell a complete truth, or continue to simply demean each other’s integrity.

During the three debates, I’ve learned a few things about Kerry and Edwards. Kerry is articulate, and loves to talk; and talk, and talk. Edwards is not as young as he appears, and is quite intelligent. The Senator is slippery as an eel, and would rather not show up, than to vote on a controversial, or unpopular issue. Going into the debate, I would have thought Cheney would have little trouble with Edwards. With Cheney’s experience and his eloquent speech, I assumed he had a clear advantage. But Edwards had a fluent flow of verbiage of his own, and gave as good as he got. I didn’t pick up anything new on Bush and Cheney. That dynamic duo has had four years to really piss me off. Their current term is full of lies and deception. It has been a consent pillage of America’s populace, and misuse of power. I’m sure, given the chance; Kerry and Edwards would piss me off after four years of their leadership.

Congress has a republican majority. If Kerry is elected, his administration, and Congress, will have a hard time agreeing on what brand of toilet paper to use. With the republican majority membership in Congress, Kerry and Edwards can promise us the world. They know anything they send to Congress will never pass, at least, not in it’s original format. If by some miracle, one of his, “plans”, makes it through the Legislature, it will be so distorted by add-ons, deletions, and amendments, it will emerge a completely different document, and of no help to middle America. If that happens, Kerry could then accuse Congress of indifference to the people’s needs, and stonewalling progress. That’s excellent ammunition in a political contest.

While I’m on the subject of Congress, I would like to mention one other thing. Our Senators, do not pay into Social Security, and are not eligible to collect any. It seems Congress felt they should have a special plan for themselves. Many years ago, they voted in their on retirement benefit plan. Even in today’s legislature, no one has felt the need to change it. After all, it is a great plan. When they retire, they continue to draw the same salary until they die. It may increase from time to time with cost of living adjustments. Their cost for this excellent plan is nothing. This wonderful retirement package they voted themselves, is free. You and I pay for it. The funds for this fine retirement plan come directly from the General Funds. If they were forced to live off Social Security when they retired. They would not only, come up with a plan to save and increase Social Security benefits, but implement it as well.

During his four years as President, Bush has never vetoed any bill Congress has laid on his desk. As a result, Bush and his Congress of republicans, has our country operating with the biggest deficit it has ever known. If Bush and Cheney are re-elected, they will continue to take from the poor and give to the rich. The Senate just agreed, among themselves, on another corporate tax measure. The agreement will allow the Senate to vote on a bill that will provide $136 billion in new tax breaks for businesses. This insanity has to stop. We the People; need help.

I believe, Osama Bin Laden, and Al-Qaeda, should have been sought out, and destroyed after 9-11. I even believe the invasion of Afghanistan was warranted in that pursuit. Any country that harbors, or encourages, terrorist, murderers, and genocidal regimes, should be dealt with quickly, and severely. First, by diplomatic means and sanctions; even coercion, intimidation and threats, can, and should be considered; and as a last resort, by a U.N. sanctioned, multi national, coalition of military intervention. We should continue to seek Bin Laden, and his supporters, no matter where they are.

I also believe Saddam Hussein should have been removed from power in Iraq. However, I don’t believe President Bush used, or pursued every diplomatic, or non-military option available to him, before he invaded and put more of our troops in harms way. I think he took his eye off the known Terrorist Osama and his Al-Qaeda, to attack Saddam Hussein prematurely. I believe, he thought the war against the Taliban and Al-Qaeda was going very well, and wouldn’t last much longer. He saw an opportunity to help big business buddies, get even for Daddy, and get rid of that evil, egotistical, murdering bastard at the same time. Bush needed to act fast, while he had the men and means at his disposal. That’s why Bush and Cheney jumped into the war with Hussein, and ignored any other viable means of removing Saddam from power.

Bush wants us to believe he is steadfast in his convictions. He supports his decision to invade Iraq, and shows contempt for those that don’t. The President, and Vice President, sneer, and criticize, anyone who verbally denounces the war in Iraq. I believe this is done, mostly, to help them retain the Presidency. Personally, I want a President who can be flexible. If America is on the wrong path, change paths. That’s my opinion, such as it is.

If you are a Republican, and intend to vote for the present administration, that is your right, and I encourage you to do so. If your intention is to vote for Kerry and Edwards, that too is your right, and I also encourage you to do so. I just hope you vote. We can’t afford to remain complacent. It’s time we take our country back, and it is truly run, for and by, the people. If that sounds corny, I’m sorry, it’s not my intention to offend anyone showing patriotism. On the other hand, if you’re offended by patriotism, piss off!

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