
Sunday, April 25, 2004

Some Opinions 

They’re not sure what caused the explosion in North Korea at this point. The chemical components involved, are even a mystery.The information coming out of North Korea has been based on misinformation for decades. They’ve invented lies and propaganda to deceive the world for so long, they are now like the little boy who cried wolf, no one knows what to believe. The fanatical, murdering, dictator who runs the country, has done nothing to improve that image.
The United States of America is probably the best country in the world at everything. That includes concealing important information, or omitting certain facts, and presenting misinformation to its people. One of the reasons we hear so much about the transgressions of other countries, is because they are mediocre propagandists. We are much better liars.
International collaboration is essential for the United States. We have the image of arrogant, supercilious, bullies, who force ourselves, and beliefs, on smaller, weaker countries. Bush has intensified this projection of America. We need to change that image, or risk complete alienation, and hostility from the rest of the world. At the same time, other countries need to realize, we are not the policemen for the world. The watchdog of the world is suppose to be the U.N. Now, there is a bunch of political self servers and preservers! The biggest reason they don’t do anything about the sins of others, is because they are afraid the others may want to do something about theirs.


Friday, April 23, 2004

Proposition 12 

Seven months ago, our State populous, voted for and passed, proposition 12. It passed by a very narrow margin, but pass it did.The proposition drastically reduced, and capped, allowable payouts by insurance companies in mal practice suits. The State Representative, who crafted the proposal, stated we were losing Doctors at an alarming rate because of the high cost of mal practice insurance. He went farther by saying, capping payouts would result in lower rates for Doctors, and stem the flow of medical practitioners leaving the state. Supporters of his plan, including other Legislators, the Governor, Doctors and insurance companies, spent millions on advertising selling the plan. It worked. The voters bought it. They either didn’t care, or know, of an attachment that would later put a cap on all lawsuits.

The same State Legislators and governing body, find themselves in a bit of a bind. It seems, in the seven months since voters approved Proposition 12, only one insurance carrier has agreed to reduce rates. The others have tried to raise them. The insurance companies are reporting the highest profits since 1997. The author of the bill and constitutional amendment said, “ Some of us put ourselves way out on the line for our Doctors, Profits for the companies is not what we intended”.

I am a borderline idiot, and I could see it coming. I wonder why they couldn’t.


Thursday, April 22, 2004

The Pres 

The President of the United States, has prohibited anyone from taking photos of the flag draped coffins, of the hundreds of dead American soldiers being returned home. He says it is being “disrespectful of the dead.” Bullshit! He is simply trying to keep an unpopular war from growing more unpopular. He doesn’t want the American people to see the reality of war. To most of the public, a number relating to the dead and injured, is merely a statistic, and easily forgotten. A picture can show the horrors of war, and it will linger until you question the sanity of ever having supported Bush’s war, or Bush.

It’s not that he doesn’t feel sorrow, or remorse, for the dead men and women who lost their lives while serving their country. I am sure he cares deeply. What makes me really angry, is how disrespectful he is being to our dead. He should allow them to return with all the honor and glory they deserve. A full honor guard and marching band should accompany their bodies, and with all of America watching. Instead, he tries to silently sneak our dead back to the States in secrecy. His own desire for political gain supersedes his respect for the people who lost their lives fighting for his cause.


Wednesday, April 21, 2004

The Gov 

Our illustrious Governor has touted a new tax program that would cut property taxes. The original idea was well received by the average voter. Because, even though the wealthy and big business would reap most of the benefits, the blue collar worker would also have lower property taxes. During his administration, he has transparently ignored the “average man “, and shamelessly favored the wealthy and affluent. This is nothing new, politicians have done this since the invention of politicians. What is humorous, is that he has upset some of his major backers. The tax program he supported had a major flaw. It inadvertently added more of the tax burden on richer districts. One might imagine how this went over with his supporters.

He has now, altered the tax program he supports. The new tax plan still lowers property taxes, but the lost tax revenue, will be made up on “sin” taxes. You know, increase taxes on tobacco products, pornography, and a video lottery, (whatever that is).

His critics say, this will not be enough to replace revenue lost by lowering property taxes. Probably not, but look at the mileage he can get from backing a tax break agenda. Besides, it will never make it through the State Legislature the way it is, and he knows it. The proposal will need to be amended to eliminate Middle Americas tax break. If he couples that with the “sin” tax, the prosperous would have no problem supporting his plan.

The way this man can back peddle, and change direction in mid issue, I wouldn’t be surprised to see him in the White House one day.


Tuesday, April 20, 2004

A good walk 

I haven’t had an entry in this Blog for a while. There are any number of excuses I could use. The truth is, I am a procrastinator, I had the intention of submitting an entry. But I thought, what the hell, no one reads this anyway. I was wrong. Someone did read this blog, at least once. Can you imagine that? That person sent me an email, and stated it had been over thirty days since my last entry. So, for that individual, and cyber space, here is my entry for today.

During a walk yesterday, I couldn’t help but notice how beautifully plush and green everything is. I pasted a row of rose bushes bursting with blooms. The smell of the new roses were wonderful. Magnificent winding vines, climbed enormous trees up into their canopies, and were literally covered with blossoms. Wrens and Sparrows were darting back and forth, chirping and calling to their mates. They were busy finding food for their offspring, but they seemed in a state of elation because of it.

I know this is not a great revelation. It happens every spring. What is exceptional, is for a few minutes, I stopped being so centered on my grievances, and became aware of the bravura vividness of natures versatile labors

It was a good walk.

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