
Sunday, March 04, 2007

A Nation in Decline 

The decline of a nation can be caused by several factors. Some of these are, ineffective, deceitful, dishonest politicians and leaders. An arrogant, obstinate, incompetent, out of touch President, with a total lack of international diplomacy. Add a populace that is complacent, lazy, politically ignorant, self-serving, conceited, has no moral values, and is driven by greed. Put a growing dependence on foreign goods and resources in the pot. Include the sell off of American property and companies to foreign interest. Stir in a sell out by Corporate America and you have the basic ingredients for a slow and long decline.

To hurry it along, add a failing education system, over priced medical care, a high unemployment rate, a faltering, nervous economy, a nation that’s the biggest contributor to global warming, and a war. Mix well with indolence, ignorance, and indifference. It looks as though this recipe is coming together.

For a little garnish, stir in a few illegal immigrants who fly their former country’s flag higher than ours, and yet are first in line to use our services but refuse to learn English. A few more who burn Old Glory or fly it upside down, and yet would never consider leaving America.

It’s beginning to look like this Hodgepodge is about to overflow. The richest, most powerful nation in the world could be on the verge of losing its #1 position in the worlds standings. Hell, it happened to Portugal, Spain, France, England, Greece, Rome and a hundred other empires. Why not us? The question is, how far down do we fall? After all Britain lost a lot of territory. The Brits lost India, Australia, Canada, and the United States, just to name a few, and they are still a major world player.

The United States is in a slow decline. The problem is, the rich aren’t affected, and are in denial, or just don’t care. The poor and middle class, on the other hand, do care, are affected, but can’t do anything about it. Ain’t life a bitch?

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