
Thursday, March 04, 2010

Perry Again? ...Damn! 

The primary is over in Texas. It looks as though republican Rick Perry, our current Governor, will be running against democrat Bill White for the Governorship of our state. According to the surveys I've seen, Governor Perry will once again win by a large majority. I am not a Rick Perry fan. Huge conglomerates like him. He's for insurance corporations, real estate firms, gas and oil producers, large construction companies (his brother owns one), and numerous other large entities. Mostly, he's supported by the rich and influential. He is not a man for the general population, blue collar worker, or the poor.

Bill White is a former mayor of Houston. That is all most of us know about him. Unfortunately, that will probably cost him the election. From what I've seen, read, and heard about him, I don't think he is strong enough in his convictions. He doesn't exude a lot of confidence in himself or his platform. Is anyone sure of what that is? He doesn't seem assertive enough in his speeches. He almost seems like an introvert. In any event, it looks as if we're in for another term with Rick Perry as Governor.

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