
Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Father and Son 

Back in the late sixties, I was drafted and sent to Vietnam. Late last year, my son was sent to Iraq. I think I can better understand some of the apprehension and anxiety my parents must have felt. I was married when sent to Vietnam, and he was married when the Army sent him to war. So, I know a little of what he may be feeling as well.

As a married soldier in a foreign land, I can imagine how much he misses his wife and family. He’s lonely, homesick and heartsick. He feels alienated and alone, even though there’s thousands around him in the same situation. That feeling is going to stay with him until he’s finally sent home. With patience, determination, intelligence, a lot of luck, and the grace of God, he will come home alive and well. When he does, all his family and friends will be extremely relieved and grateful. I know his Dad will be.

He’s incredibly patriotic and dedicated to his country. I sincerely hope this administration comes to its senses, and stops wasting young lives with such devotion so foolishly.

Ps… This blog post has been edited. In hopes that Blackhawk helicopters won’t circle my home, while dozens of black SUV’s, filled with secret service agents swarm my house.


Sunday, February 11, 2007

Happy Birthday! 

Happy Birthday Ron, alias the Rat. On February 11th, 59 years ago the rat bastard was born. He came in to this world screaming, crying, and complaining. The rat has showed no signs of stopping yet. He whines continuously, complains incessantly, and snarls constantly. He’s egotistical, arrogant, temperamental, narcissistic, and vulgar. He’s also brilliant, passionate, caring, sensitive, perceptive, insightful, artistic, and imaginative. He can verbally eviscerate you in one sentence. Yet he’s extremely devoted and protective to those he cares for. To say he’s a very complex man would be an understatement. He’s hard to get close to, but if he lets you, it’s a very rewarding experience. I highly recommend it. Despite all his faults, I love him dearly, I have to, we share some common ancestors.


Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Life's short 

I found myself contemplating the heavens a couple of days ago. You know, the fact that the sun is going to burn itself out a few million years from now. But, as it slowly burns out, it will expand. The heat will engulf the earth, turning it into a furnace of molten rock and lava, and all life on earth will cease to exist.

I thought about our galaxy, the Milky Way, spinning in space, and Andromeda, another galaxy, on a collision course with us at 300,000 miles an hour.

I remembered, that located in the center of the Milky Way, is a black hole. Whose gravitational pull is drawing every star in our galaxy, closer and closer, slowly pulling them in. It’s tearing them apart, molecule by molecule, and atom by atom, until there’s nothing.

The universe itself, has numerous black holes. No one knows the exact number. What is known, is that they’re devouring everything they can draw near. They will slowly consume all matter in the universe, and then turn on each other. When only one is left, it will slowly die because nothing is left for it to feed on. The universe will be nothing but a huge black emptiness. Even our universe can’t escape death.

All this will occur over millions, billions, perhaps a google of years. Of course, there are rumors of parallel universes. Maybe you can escape to one of these, if you manage to live that long. Given mans average life span of 76 or 77 years, and the fact that I’m already 60, maybe I shouldn’t be overly concerned with physics, especially at this stage of life. Maybe I should worry more about things I can directly influence, like my golf game.


New Baby! 

click me, fool!

Here's the damn New Blogger! Migrated, but not Upgraded. Like all new things, it may just crap everywhere!

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